I was delighted to learn that Sustainable Outwood has been granted £36,000 by the Government through the Rural Community Energy Fund to run a study on potential renewable energy source options for the village.
Villagers have been sent a survey on the subject, and I understand that a focus group has also been set up to ensure there is community engagement. The study is anticipated to last for a couple of months, with a public meeting to share results in June.
A written report will also be sent to residents and businesses on the possible low carbon heating options specifically for Outwood. This will provide the committee of Sustainable Outwood with a roadmap to help decide whether the project can progress to stage two of the application and the viability of future funding applications.
I had the pleasure of meeting the committee's co-chair, Fiona Mellington, at one of my Green-Tember events last year and was more than happy to write in support of their application. Being home to one of the oldest working British windmills, the village has always been a pioneer for the renewable energy sector.
So I pay tribute to the hard work of the committee of Sustainable Outwood and Outwood Parish Council and look forward to joining the public meeting in June. More information can be found here.